Life brings you amazing places, but Zeta brings you home!
While taking in the beauty of the basilica Sacré-Cœur in Paris I hear "Oh my gosh you're a Zeta" to which I replied "Heck yeah I'm a Zeta!" Turns out Caroline, from the Zeta Tau Alpha chapter at Saint Louis University, spotted the Zeta ribbon I'm still sporting on my purse. Caroline is also studying abroad this semester in Madrid, but was visiting the rainy city this weekend.
This occurrence not only made my day but also reminded me how much I love being a Zeta. It reminded me that no matter where life may take you, you will always have a home in Zeta Tau Alpha.
Being in a sorority is not superficial and has assisted me on my journey to becoming a better and stronger human being. Going Greek is a life changing choice with endless opportunities that I could have never imagined. I joined a sorority with a cause important to me and millions of other women and I couldn't be happier with my choice. The most rewarding feeling is knowing I am contributing to something much larger than myself. I am eternally grateful to the support of such powerful and passionate women even if I don't know them all personally (Like Caroline over here).
Do not let anyone tell you that a sorority is just a club. A sorority is a way of life, no matter where life may take you. It is a place where you can live out your values each and every day. It is a vehicle that takes you to the woman you have always aspired to be. A sorority is a place where you can where you will always have a home.
The joy of sisterhood is that it has no boundaries. Even when I am 4,092 miles from my host university and house sisters their support is always there and another Zeta girl is never too far away!
Shout out to my Zistas at HPU!! Love and miss you all so much xoxox
Follow Caroline's Blog here! https://carolhasablog.wordpress.com/
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